Shine Ranker Keyword SEO Research

The Best SEO Method For Keyword Research in 2022

Secrets In SEO Keywords Ranking

If you’re trying to rank on the first page of google for your targeted keywords and continually coming up short, then this article is going to be a great help. First of all, I would like to say that yes everyone can rank high in search engines with the right knowledge and the right set of tools. 

Regardless of whether you are an experienced marketer or just starting, there’s no reason why anyone should not have their website ranking top in certain keywords they want traffic from. So what does it take? It simply takes some effort and patience to figure out how everything in the world of internet marketing fits together.

SEOLEVELUP is a skilled group of Google SEO specialists, SEO content writers, SEO Web designing, and SEO digital marketing experts that work together to help your company succeed by developing and executing an online marketing campaign that delivers the results you desire.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) seems like a very difficult art and we know what works and what does not. The most significant factors affecting your search results and client exposure are keyword density, article relevance, believability, duplicate content, and so on. Our material will improve the visibility of your website in the eyes of search engines.

Getting organic traffic to your website is incredibly valuable. It’s also incredibly difficult if you don’t have over a decade of experience. Luckily, you can skip all the hard work and hire us to do it for you. We entered the digital marketing space in 2003, and ever since, have been helping people like you with SEO, link building, content marketing, social media, and more. If you’re ready to tap into our expertise, please contact us or get a 100% FREE SEO Audit.

5 Best SEO Method For keyword research

What can Keyword Trends Search do? We have already published an article about dominating search results on Google. Keywords play a vital role in determining whether or not you will be able to rank high on google, yahoo, and bing for certain keywords within your niche. 

How to find keywords for SEO? And what strategies do we use to find keywords? We use a few techniques to find keywords that we believe are state of the art. Here are the 5 best how to find the right keywords for SEO:

1 – Write Down Your Keywords 

The first, thing we usually do is to write out a list of around 20-50 keywords that are related to the company’s product or service niche. We wanted to have keywords that have search demands. Keywords that would eventually give us huge traffic. Traffic is people visiting your website or potential buyers. We need to match what the customers would be keying in those words while searching online.

Then, we will do some research on each keyword using any Keyword Search Too. There are various keyword search tools that you can search online and you can take your pick. So, typing in those primary keywords will give you multiple keyword phrase ideas including variations of your main one. 

The only downfall with these tools is the results generated may not be very accurate because they are based on user-inputted data into their search engine box rather than suggested searches generated by actual users. 

2 – Analyze Your Collected Keywords

However, we do not stop there. After collecting our primary keyword phrase list. We analyzed them in depth with a huge list of variations and related terms. Alright, change of Hat! 

Now, you’ll have to act like a customer here, looking for something over the internet… let say you are looking for an item “hat.” So you will then automatically think of some, phrases or questions like: “hats for kids”, “sports hats,” “winter hats,” “what is the best winter hat?” and alike, these phrases and questions are dependent on the usage, type, kind and where-to-buy of the hat.

Our aim here is to get targeted keywords that are worth ranking. Meaning, we will have to analyze these collected keywords that we have for search demand, business potential, matches the searcher’s intent, and most especially if these words will give a good result on being on top of the search.

Shine Ranker SEO Keyword Research Tool
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3 – Research Each Keywords In Depth

We take the next step: We research each keyword by using the Shine Ranker tool And, once we have finished the research process, we gather all the results and manually go through them to check if they are still relevant or not. 

The keyword research is done by checking the relevance of the words and phrases that you’ve initially collected. Whether or not these words are difficult, medium, and simple to rank when utilized in your articles or on the site as a whole. 

Last and most importantly, is to research what your competitors’ keywords are ranking: how, why, what are these words, getting to the top of the search list.

4 – Use Keyword Search Tools For Precise Results

The last step of our process: We make a lot of use of this tool to get more precise and relevant results. But, we also supplement these results with other keyword tools like SEMRush, Wordtracker, AHrefs, and others alike. So, we consider all that data and then add some on-page optimization on your websites such as meta tags, keywords in H1’s, page titles, and the rest of the on-page SEO factors. 

We are mainly working on comparisons here using different types of keyword search tools. To get the finest and the best keywords that will surely rank once content is being created.

5 –  Write The Content Using The Finalize Keywords

So overall, you can do it by yourself without spending a dime just digging out on what you already have at your disposal which is search engines and related websites or blog posts to check if they are still popular or not. 

Then again before working with your content provider/writer be sure to ask them if they can combine your keywords into double or triple. Despite its monotony, SEO is still seen as a crucial and effective method for increasing the number of visitors to your website. You may not always get the desired outcomes immediately, but if you do it correctly, you will enjoy excellent results in terms of improved ranks on Google, especially after some time has passed.

So, there are many different ways to come up with good keywords for your website. But the only important thing is that you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars when you can do all this yourself without hiring experienced people in doing so. It’s just a matter of following some simple steps and then researching them carefully with the right tools to see which one works best for your niche business. 

Otherwise, if you are too busy to be doing all the nitty-gritty then have an expert do this for you to ensure the details are taken care of, then wait no more! Contact us today for a free audit or call (224) 600-4353 if you need help with any part of this process.

How To Do Keyword Analysis And Research For SEO

You may ask the question: what do we first keyword research or analysis?… these two come in very closely tied to each other. It depends on how you do your process. As long as the result is the same: Getting The Best Keywords That Will Rank.

How To Do A Keyword Search? There are many ways to go about it, but the first thing you should do is research your competitors. You can easily find your competitor’s websites by typing their domain name on Google and seeing where they show up on the search results page once the search engine has determined which website(s) are relevant to what you have searched for.

After taking a look at your competitor’s website(s), take note of some of the keywords that they are ranking for, then use these same terms as some of your target keywords in doing keyword research before actually starting with any kind of SEO campaign. If you see that some of their terms are quite popular on Google, try to come up with variations of those underperforming words or phrases. These are the medium and the easy keywords as mentioned earlier. By using this variation technique you will be able to find some other terms that perhaps your competitors are not ranking for, but the search engines might see as relevant.

Now, you can also check how many people visit specific websites by doing a Google search and seeing which ones show up on the first page of results. Now, there is nothing wrong with approaching these websites owners and asking them if they would share your link exchange offer with their audience in return for linking back to their website in your resource box or somewhere else relevant on your blog or website. 

You could also go to forums where this topic is being discussed and create an account, then it’s just about finding opportunities everywhere around the Internet because believe me when I say it – There are hundreds of ways to come up with some good keywords for SEO.

So there you have it! …

These are some great methods that should help you better understand how effective SEO is for online marketers all over the globe. The hope here is that after reading through this article, many people will be able to generate organic traffic consistently instead of relying on social media only which might not always work in their favor.

Now since we’re talking about search engines, what do you think Google stands for? Well if you guessed “Gathering Of Humongous Amounts Of Data” – You would be correct! In all seriousness, these days it is getting more and more difficult to rank organically because Google has been cracking down on this for a long time now.

Just recently they have released an updated algorithm that they call “Phantom 3”, which will be pushing websites further down in SERPs even if you have good quality content. 

This is why it’s so important to start using a professional SEO service right away since there is no telling what might happen over the next few months or years with their newest changes in place.

Moving on, I just wanted to mention that if you’re looking for a great way to generate leads online through your business then you should check out SEOLEVELUP  which helps provide high-quality leads to businesses and markets them for you.

Contact us today for a FREE SEO Audit or call (224) 600-4353 if you need help with any part of this process.

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