Our detailed SEO audit thoroughly evaluates your website’s optimization, focusing on keywords, content, and technical aspects. It highlights areas for improvement to boost search engine rankings.
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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential for online businesses because it helps to improve the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs). Here are some reasons why SEO is helpful for online businesses:

Getting a SEO audit is a great way to start improving your website’s search engine visibility. It’s a comprehensive analysis that provides you with valuable insights and actionable recommendations that can help your website rank higher!

An SEO audit is the process of identifying problems or errors that can prevent your site from ranking on Google and other search engines. Multiple parts make up an SEO audit, including: 

  • Making sure your site is being correctly crawled, indexed, and rendered by Google
  • Checking your website for on-page SEO problems
  • Examining your off-page SEO for potential issues on others’ sites that relate/link back to your site
  • Verifying that your site has a good user experience (for both mobile and desktop users)
  • Keyword-optimizing your content 
  • Combing your website for duplicate or thin content 
  • Setting up and maintaining comprehensive reporting to track your website’s performance 

SEO audits are crucial to help your site and business avoid: 

  • Losing out on organic traffic due to site health issues 
  • Losing out on sales opportunities or losing the competitive edge to other brands
  • Having your site improperly indexed (meaning searchers won’t be able to find it) 
  • Facing penalties from Google for toxic backlinks

In short, auditing your site can reveal problems that may be costing you traffic and sales.

The good news is that you don’t need many SEO tools to perform an SEO audit successfully. 

Throughout the audit process, we will be using five main tools:

  1. Semrush Site Audit Tool — This is a comprehensive, top-down look at your site’s performance. We will get into the Site Audit tool in detail next 
  2. Google Analytics — Google Analytics provides metrics and data about your site performance in their search engine
  3. Google Search Console — Google Search Console lets you see if your site is indexed correctly and how it is appearing in the SERP
  4. Google PageSpeed Insights — PageSpeed Insights measures the page performance of your site for both mobile and desktop platforms 
  5. Google Schema Markup Testing Tool — If you’re building schema for your site (which we will get into in a bit), you’ll want to make sure that the code is created correctly without errors. The Google Schema Markup Testing tool allows you to test and verify that your schema is error-free 

Book Your SEO Audit with Tommy!

SEO Audits